
  Marco Di Lauro

Born in Cremona on 28 February 1971. He graduated in Law from the State University of Parma in 1997. During his traineeship, he cooperated with the legal department of the Italian Social Security Institution (INPS) of Brescia. He was admitted to the Bar of Lawyers of Milan in October 2000 and was admitted to the Bar of Cassation on 10.12.2015.
Member of Associazione Avvocati Giuslavoristi Italiani (Italian Association of Lawyers specialised in Labor Law). During his years of professional practice he has acquired a significant background in labor litigation both in court (first instance, appeal and Court of Cassation as well as trial stages of summary proceedings) and out of court as regards labor disputes and negotiations with the Unions in relation to labor issues.
He deals with activities and labor issues concerning company reorganization and restructuring as well as acquisitions. He specializes in second-tier negotiations, analysis and control of privacy issues, safety at work and application of Italian Law 231 to the working environment.
During his years of professional practice he has nurtured his interest for social security law and acquired a significant background in disputes against INPS and professional social security funds.


  Roberta Canevese

Born in Giussano (Milan) on 31 December 1977. She graduated in Law from the Bicocca University of Milan in 2001 with a dissertation on international commercial law. She attended the Erasmus university project c/o Friedrich Wilhelm Universität - Bonn, (D) for two semesters, where she acquired further knowledge and expertise in the antitrust field.
After her graduation, she continued to pursue her interest in international law and attended a course in American law at the Boston University School of Law and at the Mc George University School of Law. In 2008, she did a legal training period in a US law firm.
She is a member of the International Relations Commission of the Bar of Lawyers of Milan, a member of AIGLI (Associazione Internazionale Giuristi di Lingua Italiana – International Italian-speaking Lawyers Association) as well as a member of the German-Italian Chamber of Commerce of Milan. She provides consultancy services to Italian and foreign companies in the commercial, corporate and international field.
She is admitted to the Bar of Lawyers of Milan and is fluent in English, German and French. .


  Angelo Carlo Orlando

Born in Milan on 3 August 1982. He graduated in Law Science and Law from the University of Milan with a dissertation on international law and civil law.
He specialized from the Postgraduate School for Legal Professions (Scuola di Specializzazione per le Professioni Legali (SSPL)) of the State University of Milan.
He acts as Civil Mediator pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 28/2010. He has attended a postgraduate master course in law and administrative proceedings. Most of his professional practice is related to civil and commercial law.
He is admitted to the Bar of Lawyers of Milan.